Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources. Post includes tips, techniques, templates and link to a FREE course!
Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources.

This post is the second in my Planning series for the best 2017 ever! I will be giving you all of my tips to create a SMART goal, with templates, samples, freebies and even some free video training! So let’s get down to it.

So firstly what is a SMART Goal? It certainly isn’t anything new! This type of goal setting has been around for years, and people like myself, still use it simply because it works. Below is a description and outline of the different parts of a SMART Goal.

You can download the FREE resource here

Enrol in the FREE Planning for Success in 2017 Training

Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources. Post includes tips, techniques, templates and link to a FREE course!
Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources.

Before you can create a SMART goal, you really need to have analysed some data. The data, whatever it is, must be something that has meaning for you. A goal setting exercise of any kind, will only succeed if you have a vested interest in the “prize”. If you haven’t already visited my post on Data Analysis, go and have look by clicking here.


So now you have your data analysis, and you have found a “problem” of some sort, this can be anything, and it will be totally different for each individual. It could be about health, fitness, writing sentences, playing an instrument  or making improvements on the house! The end goal doesn’t matter, the process is still the same.

There are FOUR main steps to successful goal creation:

  1. Find your GAN
  2. Consider your options
  3. Plan your Goal
  4. Implement your Goal

So let’s get on with it! Let’s assume that you want to use a SMART Goal to make improvements in your class results for a specific area of your curriculum. Keep that in the back of your mind as your read the rest of this post.

Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources. Post includes tips, techniques, templates and link to a FREE course!
Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources.

Your GAN is your Greatest Area of Need. To find your GAN, consider these questions:

  1. What patterns are evident from the data?
  2. What are the specific areas of strength in the class?
  3. What are the specific areas of concern in the class?
  4. Which students are at the top?
  5. Which students are at the bottom?
  6. What is the Greatest Area of Concern for this class?
  7. How will you address the Greatest Area of Need?
  8. What resources do you need to do this?


Once you have honestly answered these questions, you will be able to move forward. Now that you have found what the main issue or problem is, think about your options. What can you do to tackle this problem? What resources do you have? What resources would you need? What things will make the biggest impact with the least effort? Now this last question might seem weird—but with little steps, big things can happen! Step away from your GAN and these questions and come back to them after you have looked at every possible angle. Do some research, have a conversation with colleagues, bounce ideas off your friends. At this stage, I like to play the “negative Nancy” and think about will stop me achieving my goals. Once you have identified these obstacles, brainstorm ideas and strategies to combat them!

It is only now that you should start to plan your goal. In the FREE download there is a planning template for you to use. I find it much easier to make this template as big as photocopiable possible. Now break your ideas down and start filling in the plan. There is a sample one that I used in 2016 for you to look at how I have broken down our Faculty goal of improving writing (it worked by the way—we saw huge improvements!). Don’t worry if you make a mistake, just do it again. Reword and rework it as often as needed until you are happy with it. Now publish it!

You can download the FREE resource here

Enrol in the FREE Planning for Success 2017 Course here

Once you have a plan, make it visible and try to make every decision based on whether it will help you achieve your goal. Remember to have your obstacle prevention strategies in the back of your mind so that you can be prepared for anything.

Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources. Post includes tips, techniques, templates and link to a FREE course!
Proven Tips for using SMART Goals Blog Posts by Jooya Teaching Resources.

Now there should be nothing stopping you—go ahead and achieve that goal. Get there, little by little. Cross it off when you hit a target, celebrate any success and milestone along the way and soon you will be achieving, and even bypassing that goal.

Enrol in the FREE Planning for Success 2017 Course here

If you have found this post  this helpful remember, you can still enrol in the FREE Planning for Success Course.

In the course you will have access to all the Resources, Video Tutorials, Video Slides and more! Each video is only about 15 minutes long, and each printable resource can be used over and over for many years to come! Once enrolled in the course, you will have unlimited access and you can watch the videos as often as you like!


The next post in the series is about setting schedules that you can actually stick to, of course with lots of freebies for you too!

Until next time

Happy Teaching

Julia from Jooya


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