Hi, I'm Julia

If you want easy to use and engaging resources to teach music appreciation, so that your students will improve their analytical listening skills, then you have come to the right place!

I am a music educator with over 20 years of experience teaching students in grades 7 to 12

I know what it’s like to have multiple classes to teach. The busy music teacher not only has to plan lessons, but is also expected to do so much more in their day.

But planning engaging lessons and creating music appreciation resources doesn't have to take up all of your valuable time.

I have always taught in schools with students from low socio-economic backgrounds. Teaching them can sometimes be a tough gig!

I found that in my early years, I was teaching using programs and resources that my colleagues had created, and the kids hated the lessons! At one school, I was even supposed to teach the Recorder to Grade 8 students, in a maths classroom. It was not fun.

I was lucky that I had an inspiring colleague who simply said one day “if they don’t want to learn what you teach, teach them something they want to learn”.

It was like a brain explosion! How simple was this idea! So I threw out all of those boring lessons, and started creating my own. The turn around in classroom behaviour and engagement was incredible. Suddenly, students were happy to come to class, they wanted to participate in the lessons, and what was even better, they were actually enjoying the lessons.

I never went back to those boring lessons, and I am so glad. I have been fortunate enough to teach in several schools, and every time, with every new school, the kids have responded to my music lessons and resources in the same highly engaged way.

If your students are not enjoying the lesson content, they won't want to learn.

So what do you have to lose by trying to teach your music students differently?

I can help you stop spending endless hours of planning lessons, creating lesson resources and actually help you to save time.

If you're anything like me, you want...

  • More time doing what you love
  • Less time doing what you hate
  • Low prep music classroom resources that are ready to go
  • Easy to use resources to teach music appreciation with any style or genre of music

That’s why I created the Elements of Music Mind Maps. To help you get started straight away.

Teaching Music Appreciation doesn't have to be hard

What most people don’t know is that when you give your students the chance to learn about the music they enjoy, everyone wins.

These Elements of Music Mind Maps will be a resource that you can use over and over again, with any music you choose to listen to.

Grab your copy of the Elements of Music Mind Maps to start teaching your students about music appreciation today.

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